National Audubon Society
Roster of Chapters
California Audubon
Sonoma County
Sonoma County - Injured Birds
Bird Rescue Center of Sonoma County
A refuge of last resort; a hospital and rehabilitation site where sick and injured native birds can be cared for, nursed back to health, and released back into the wild. Up to 3000 birds are treated each year. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated.
Native Songbird Care & Conservation
Licensed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NSCC is dedicated to the rehabilitation and healthy release of wild native passerines, commonly referred to as "songbirds". The facility is set up exclusively to support the needs of injured, ill and orphaned songbirds.
Sonoma County - Other
Welcome to Birding Quiz, created by Madrone member Jim Gray. On this site, you will find many photo quiz options that will help you learn to recognize birds in an area you select. The bird photos are selected randomly, so for any particular bird species you will see pictures of females, males, juveniles, breeding plumages, winter plumages, etc. You can take the same quiz multiple times and you will get different bird photos each time.
Environmental Center of Sonoma County
Operated by a federation of organizations (including Madrone Audubon); this Web site provides links to a wide variety of local activities and issues.
Gordon's Nature Videos
New series "Why are Birds Special?"
Originally created for the Lincoln School Bird Festival, this series has been completely redone with new video and audio recordings, mostly from Sonoma County. Also on this YouTube channel are several of Gordon's older presentations: Sight and sound experiences of plant and animal species found at four different ecolodges in Costa Rica, a five-part documentary of the island of Kaua'i, a short video of an encounter with a porcupine in Sonoma County, and "One morning at Ragle Ranch", highlighting several frequently seen bird and mammal species at the Regional Park in Sebastopol. Enjoy!
Kathy Biggs' Dragonfly Webpage
If you think a Variegated Meadowhawk is some kind of accipiter or buteo this website will show you that dragonflies fly in a world of their own. Madrone Audubon member Kathy Biggs hosts this site.
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
Works to preserve and restore the richness of the Laguna's natural resources, and to provide opportunities for the public to learn about the ecology and cultural history of the Laguna and enjoy its beauty.
Land Paths
Dedicated to fostering a love of the land in Sonoma County. LandPaths creates ways for people to experience the beauty, understand the value, and assist in healing the land in their local communities.
Northbay Birds eGroup
An email list server or eGroup for the discussion of bird sightings, and distribution of birds in Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake, and Solano Counties. Sign up to receive email notices of rare bird sightings in the North Bay.
Paula Lane Action Network
Dedicated to the preservation of open space, protecting wildlife habitat and movement corridors, and American Badger research. Stewards of Paula Lane Nature Preserve in Petaluma, CA.
Petaluma Wetlands Alliance
The Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA) is dedicated to the creation, restoration, and stewardship of publicly accessible wetlands and wildlife habitats. We support Shollenberger Park, Alman Marsh, the Ellis Creek Wastewater Treatment property, and future wetland sites in the Petaluma River watershed.
Redwood Region Ornithological Society
Organized in 1962 "to encourage the study and conservation of birds, other wildlife, and their natural habitat." Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month September through May.
SF Bay Wildlife Info
This website will help you discover what there is to see in the Bay Area, where to see it, and most importantly how to go about it.
Sonoma Birding
Hosts major birding events in Sonoma and promotes weekly birding related activities, events, news and information for the birding communities in Wine Country.
Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District
Conserves farmland, greenbelts between cities, wildlife habitat, and land for public recreation in Sonoma County. Visit the site for good maps, photos and information.
Sonoma County Bird Watching Spots
A practical guide to birding in Sonoma County. Detailed maps, GPS data, species lists, and notes on sightings for more than 30 important county locations. Includes practical information such as restaurant recommendations and nearby non-birding activities. Maintained by photographer and birder Colin Talcroft.
Sonoma County Conservation Action
A grassroots organization that champions environmental issues in Sonoma County through involvement in the political process.
Sonoma County Regional Parks
Offers an abundance of recreational opportunities. Enjoy the playgrounds, athletic fields and sports courts. Go camping, fishing, picnicking, swimming, hiking, and, of course.... birding.
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods is a non-profit organization that partners with the Russian River Sector of California State Parks.
Audubon Canyon Ranch
Guardian of the Bouverie Preserve in Sonoma County with two preserves in Marin. Bolinas Lagoon Preserve is open mid-march to mid-July when large numbers of Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets are readily visible from the viewing areas. Hiking trails offer tremendous views. Not an affiliate of the National Audubon Society; ACR is sponsored by Madrone Audubon and three other Bay Area chapters.
California's Threatened and Endangered Bird Species
Threatened species can be found at this site sponsored by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. If you are wondering if a bird or other animal is in danger in California, this site will provide answers.
CHIRP is the Center to Help Instill Respect & Preservation for Garden Wildlife, Inc. This non-profit's mission is to educate, inspire and assist in the utilization of positive environmental techniques and in the creation of garden habitats to promote and preserve the population of garden wildlife -- hummingbirds, butterflies, songbirds, etc. Backyard Birders look here.
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory
Their mission is to study migrating birds of prey along the Pacific coast and to promote public awareness of the state of raptor populations. The GGRO is a project of the Golden Gate National Parks Association and the National Park Service.
Joe Morlan's California Birding Pages
Site of the well respected ornithology professor at City College of San Francisco. Excellent birding links on California birding and info on publications and classes.
Point Blue (formerly Reyes Bird Observatory)
Conserves birds and the environment using science to understand and find solutions to problems threatening wildlife populations and ecosystems.
The Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group (SCPBRG)
Formed in 1975 to restore an endangered peregrine falcon population in California. The peregrine falcon was removed from the federal endangered species List in 1999 and they are proud to have played a significant role in that success. Learn about many different raptors and view webcams at this excellent website.
Ventana Wilderness Society
A partner with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the California Condor Recovery Project. Find out about condors and eagles and the exceptional efforts of this non-profit organization.
National Links
The American Bird Conservancy
dedicated to the conservation of wild birds and their habitats in the Americas. The fundamental role of ABC is to build coalitions of conservation groups, scientists, and members of the public, to tackle key bird priorities using the best resources available.
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Based in Cotati, CA, for over three decades, fighting to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system.
Birds of North America
A comprehensive reference covering the life histories of North America's breeding birds. BNA Online contains image and video galleries showing plumages, behaviors, habitat, nests and eggs, and more.
Cats Indoors!
The Campaign for Safer Birds and Cats, initiated by ABC to end the unnecessary suffering and death of birds and other wildlife caused by free-roaming domestic cats.
Center for Biological Diversity
Working through science, law and creative media to secure a future for all species, great or small, hovering on the brink of extinction.
The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Filled with photos, bird songs, information and conservation projects for birders of all skill levels. Join Project Feeder Watch for backyard birders. Great chance to learn and have fun at the same time.
Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund
A non-profit law firm protects people, wildlife and natural resources by providing free legal representation to citizen groups to enforce environmental laws.
A real-time, online checklist program, eBird has revolutionized the way that the birding community reports and accesses information about birds.
The Nature Conservancy
Preserves habitats and species by buying the lands and waters they need to survive.
An excellent source of sound files for many birds of North America and the world. The site also includes insects, animal sounds and helpful links to environmental and conservation organizations.
The Peregrine Fund
Developed naturally from the shared concern of students and associates at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology that the Peregrine Falcon might go extinct in the wild if nothing was done. Located in Boise, Idaho, the Fund works to study, raise and release Peregrines into the wild.
The Sierra Club
Promotes conservation of the natural environment by influencing public policy decisions--legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral.
World Wildlife Fund
Leads worldwide efforts to protect the world's threatened wildlife and the habitats they need to survive.
Webdirectory Birding Links
Provides answers to your bird related questions, great places to go birding, skill tips to improve your birding and a photo gallery. This is a commercial site.
Peterson Online
Hosted by the field guide publisher; contains information on birding, equipment, skills and multimedia educational media. This is a commercial site.
Amazon Smile
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This list is provided for informational purposes only; inclusion does not imply an affiliation with nor an endorsement of an organization by the Madrone Audubon Society or of the National Audubon Society.
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Carved Bird Pins
In the 1970s, member Tom Olds hand-carved bird pins and sold them to raise money for Madrone Audubon. More