Welcome to the Madrone Audubon Society

Madrone Audubon Society

The Sonoma County Chapter of the National Audubon Society was established in 1967 as a non-profit organization promoting education, enjoyment, and protection of the natural world, especially birds.

General Meetings, April & May 2025

Monday, April 21, 6:30-8:00 PM
Location: Fellowship Room, 5150 Montgomery Dr.,
Santa Rosa (Doors open 6:15 PM)
Birds and Other Wildlife of Borneo
Presented by Jim and Linda Thomason
Borneo is a bird lover’s paradise with over 670 species recorded on the island.  Approximately 60 of these species are endemic.  The island is also home to Orangutans and several other species of monkeys.  Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei each own part of Borneo — the third largest island on Earth.  Jim and Linda visited Sabah state in Malaysian Borneo in August and September 2024 on a tour with Keith Valentine of Rockjumper Birding tours and then visited for a few days with the Orangutans in Tanjung Putting National Park in Indonesian Borneo.  In all, the group observed 284 bird species.

For more than 60 years, Jim Thomason has been involved in photography.  He and his partner, Linda, were introduced to birding in1999 on a trip to Venezuela and have made numerous wildlife and birding trips to observe new species ever since.  This program will feature images of many birds they observed in Borneo, as well several Orangutan families and other primates.

Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30-7:00 PM
Location: Shady Oaks Picnic Area,
Spring Lake Regional Park,
393 Violetti Road, Santa Rosa

Annual Picnic & Chapter Awards
Our last gathering before September.  Enjoy a light pizza meal. If you like, bring an appetizer or dessert to share.  Plates, napkins, cups, beverages provided. ADA accessible, close to parking and restrooms.  Parking pass required or pay a 1-day fee.  See you there! ?s or info: (707) 241-5548.

April – May 2025 Outings

Bring binoculars and wear outdoor clothing suitable for early morning weather.  Our outings are free for members and the public. (We may have binoculars to loan for your outing.)

Thursday, April 10, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
Cloverdale River Walk
Leader: Janet Bosshard
Take Hwy 101N to exit #522, turn right around to McCray Rd. Follow to near the end. Parking lot is on your left. Parking pass is required. We will walk the 1.1 mile flat asphalt path and return the same way. Info: (707) 480-3432.

Thursday, April 24, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
Rural Cemetery in Santa Rosa
Leader: Jenet Bosshard
Meet on the corner of Franklin Ave. and Terrace Way, the original entrance. Parking is open at the Presbyterian Church, corner of Pacific Ave. and McDonald Ave. We will stroll the dirt paths looking for woodpeckers, sparrows and other Spring birds. Info: (707) 480-3432.

Saturday, April 26, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Earth Day at Safari West
3115 Porter Creek Rd, Santa Rosa
Annual Earth Day celebration, open to the public. Stop by and say hi at our display.  Madrone Audubon shares a display with Paula Lane Action Network, badger conservation nonprofit. We’ll be on the lawn with multiple local, regional and international conservation organizations.  A great individual and/or family activity.

Sunday, April 27, 2025, 9:30 AM-2:00 PM
Earth Day in Windsor
Earth Day event at Farmers Market
Windsor Town Green, 701 Windsor Town Green
McClelland Circle, Windsor
We’ll host a display with many other groups for Windsor’s Earth Day celebration.  Stop by our display to say hi, select some fruits and vegetables for your weekly meals.

Saturday, May 3, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
Santa Rosa Creek Trail (West of Willowside Road)
Santa Rosa
Leader: Linda Fraley
Drive on Willowside Road to the junction with Santa Rosa Creek
Trail (just north of the Waldorf School). Info on parking and any questions, (559) 779-5211.

Thursday, May 8, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
Sonoma Valley Regional Park
13630 Sonoma Hwy 12, Glen Ellen
Leader: Janet Bosshard
Parking permit is required. We will walk the level asphalt path through the park, listening for Spring bird songs and looking for nesting activity.  Rain will cancel the walk. Info: (707) 480-3432.

Monday, May 19, 2025, 5:30-7:00 PM
Annual Picnic & Chapter Awards
Spring Lake Reg. Park, Shady Oaks Picnic Area
393 Violetti Rd, Santa Rosa
Light pizza meal with time to commune. Plates, napkins, beverages, cups provided.  Bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Close to parking, ADA accessible, near restrooms and the Environmental Discovery Center. Our last gathering before September.  See you there! ?s and info: (707) 241-5548.

Thursday, May 22, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
Spring Lake Regional Park
Santa Rosa
Leader: Janet Bossshard
Parking permit is required. We will meet at the restrooms, near the swimming lagoon. Spring birds will be around the lake. Hoping for a nice Spring day. Info: (707) 480-3432.

Out and About

Winged Wonders, April 11 - October 2025
Sonoma Botanical Garden, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM daily, closed Tuesdays
12841 Sonoma Hwy 12, Glen Ellen
Visit the fantastical exhibition of larger-than-life bird sculptures, created from all natural materials by artists Donna Dodson & Andy Moerlein. See sonomabg.org to learn more or call (707) 494-7585 for info and questions. (Carolyn Greene, long-time volunteer and Naturalist, is arranging several activities.)

Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM
Community Lion Ambassador Training
Bouverie Preserve (Audubon Canyon Ranch)
13815 Sonoma Hwy 12, Glen Ellen
A 3-hour training for community members to learn about mountain lions and research findings of the Living with Lions Project. Community Lion Ambassadors will be empowered to speak with community members about mountain lions, receiving a background and learning about trends in the training session.  ?s and to sign up, liz.martins@egret.org, (707)695-1190.

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It's Nesting Season: trim trees in the Fall!.

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Carved Bird Pins

In the 1970s, member Tom Olds hand-carved bird pins and sold them to raise money for Madrone Audubon. More