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Birding in Sonoma County

Russian River at Riverfront Park
National Audubon is now offering its Bird Guide app for free: see below.
Sonoma County offers some of the best birding in the country. The diversity of habitat, combined with its location on the west-coast migration route, provides great birding opportunities all year long. As of 2015, over 450 species have been seen and confirmed in the county. For more detailed information on exact locations and services, please visit Sonoma County Bird Watching Spots at www.colintalcroft.com, maintained by photographer and birder Colin Talcroft.
Below are birding locations, with corresponding grid numbers showing their rough location on the map. Many of these locations are visited each year on Madrone's free field trips - check the calendar for upcoming trips and directions.
For Santa Rosa detail map, click here
For Bodega Bay detail map, click here
Sonoma County Birding Locations
Santa Rosa Birding Locations
Bodega Bay Birding Locations
Audubon Guides app

Audubon is now offering its Bird App Guide for free: Go to Audubon's app site.
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Carved Bird Pins
In the 1970s, member Tom Olds hand-carved bird pins and sold them to raise money for Madrone Audubon. More