Welcome to the Madrone Audubon Society

The Sonoma County Chapter of the National Audubon Society was established in 1967 as a non-profit organization promoting education, enjoyment, and protection of the natural world, especially birds.
Membership Meetings February & March 2025
(open to members of the public)
February 17, 2025
6:30-7: 30 p.m.
A New Paradigm for July 4th
Join us for an open discussion about discontinuing fireworks in Sonoma County and supporting drone light shows for July 4th events. We’ll update on advocacy, which began in March 2024 and plans for 2025. Suggestions and ideas welcomed. Chapter President Susan Kirks will moderate the discussion.
Zoom meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83997437633
Meeting ID: 839 9743 7633
Or call in via phone: 1-669-900-9128,,Meeting ID 83997437633# or 1-669-444-9171
Meeting ID 83997437633#
Monday, March 17, 2025
6:30-7:45 p.m.
Protecting California’s Burrowing Owls
Presented by Jeff Miller with the Center for Biological Diversity. Jeff will discuss the status of the Western Burrowing Owl throughout California, the campaign to secure legal protections, the recent designation as a candidate species for California Endangered Species Act listing, and the pending decision on endangered or threatened status for regional Burrowing Owl populations in California.
Jeff Miller is a senior conservation advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity. Jeff wrote the 2003 and 2024 state listing petitions for the Burrowing Owl and organized the coalition of conservation groups and biologists advocating for state protections. Jeff’s latest book is Bay Area Wildlife: An Irreverent Guide, published by Heyday Books and available at https://irreverentnaturalist.com/
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86090764312
Meeting ID: 860 9076 4312
Or call in via phone:1-669-444-9171, Meeting ID 86090764312# or 1-669-900-9128, Meeting ID 86090764312#
February – March 2025 Outings
Bring binoculars and wear outdoor clothing suitable for early morning weather. Our outings are free for members and the public. (We may have binoculars to loan for your outing.)
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
Foothill Regional Park
1351 Arata Lane, Windsor 95492
Leader: Janet Bosshard
Parking pass is required. Dress appropriately for the winter type conditions. Moderate rain will cancel the walk. Info: (707) 480-3432.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
West County Trail, between Graton & Forestville
Leader: Janet Bosshard
Turn left off Hwy 116 onto Ross Station Road. Come down to the parking lot on the left. We will try the north side of the trail, heading toward Forestville. Info: (707) 480-3432.
Thursday, March 13, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
Helen Putnam Regional Park
411 Chileno Valley Road, Petaluma 94952
Leader: Janet Bosshard
Parking pass is required. Watch the weather, could be breezy and foggy; dress accordingly. We will walk the path up to the pond. If group would like to continue, we can walk through the north woods and back down to the parking area. Info: (707) 480-3432.
Saturday, March 22, 202 5, 8:30-10:30 AM
Santa Rosa Creek Trail (West of Willowside Road, Santa Rosa)
Leader: Linda Fraley
Drive on Willowside Road to the junction with Santa Rosa Creek
Trail (just north of the Waldorf School). Info on parking and any questions,
(559) 779-5211.
Thursday, March 27, 2025, 8:30-10:30 AM
Crane Creek Regional Park (Rohnert Park)
5000 Pressley Road, Santa Rosa 95404
Leader: Janet Bosshard
Take Petaluma Hill Road to Pressley Road. Parking pass is required. We will move on mostly level dirt paths. Hoping some wildflowers may be blooming, while we watch for birds. Info: (707) 480-3432.
Field Trips
Get more information and see a list of all upcoming field trips »
Guest Speakers
More information on MAS speaker series »
Junior Audubon
There are no events scheduled at this time
For additional information on field trips
About Us
We promote public education, enjoyment, study and protection of the natural world, especially birds.
Local Hotspots | Christmas Bird Count (CBC) | Sonoma County Breeding Bird Atlas | Attracting Birds | Bird Pins | Bird Art | Photo Gallery
Petitions | Meetings | Citizen Science | News | Bird Safety | West 9th Street Heronry | Renewable Energy | Climate Change
Christmas Bird Count (CBC) | Sonoma County Breeding Bird Atlas | Bird-A-Thon | Junior Audubon | Mayacamas Sanctuary | Lincoln School Bird Festival | Volunteer Opportunities
Education | Stewardship Task Force | Mayacamas Sanctuary
Benefits of Membership | Printable Membership Form [126KB PDF]
The success of Madrone Audubon depends greatly on the generosity of our chapter-only members.Links
An extensive listing of local, state, and national bird-related resources.
Find us on Facebook 
It's Nesting Season: trim trees in the Fall!.
Amazon Smile: donate to Madrone when you shop
Birding Quiz - test your skills.
Leaves Newsletter

Carved Bird Pins
In the 1970s, member Tom Olds hand-carved bird pins and sold them to raise money for Madrone Audubon. More