Christmas Bird Count for Kids
A winter activity for young people, CBC4K was begun in Sonoma County by Tom Rusert and Darren Peterie of Sonoma Nature. Each year, CBC4K is held in Sonoma and in Petaluma.
The event is a half-day activity that mirrors the annual Christmas Bird Count held by Audubon chapters around the United States, identifying and counting birds and then gathering together to report results and compile data. The half-day CBC4K is always a popular and rewarding experiences for young conservationists.
New this year, a collaboration between Madrone Audubon Society and Sonoma County Regional Parks has resulted in the CBC for Kids at Spring Lake Regional Park. See the field trips page for the date listed for more information.
NEW! December 16, 2017: CBC for Kids (Spring Lake)
January 6, 2018: Petaluma CBC4Kids (details below)
January 7, 2018: Point Reyes CBC for Kids
Date TBD: Sonoma Valley CBC4Kids
More information about this season's dates are listed in the field trips calendar.
For the CBC4K in Sonoma, contact or call 707-939-8007.
Petaluma CBC for Kids
Saturday, January 7, 2017: Petaluma CBC for Kids
Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, Rain cancels.
Location: Shollenberger Park entrance
We will go birding in teams of six kids with each team accompanied by experienced adult birders. We'll walk the trails in areas such as Shollenberger Park, Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility, and Alman Marsh. We'll count every bird we see.
Contact Al Hesla: 486-9030 or
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It's Nesting Season: trim trees in the Fall!.
Amazon Smile: donate to Madrone when you shop
Birding Quiz - test your skills.
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Carved Bird Pins
In the 1970s, member Tom Olds hand-carved bird pins and sold them to raise money for Madrone Audubon. More