Christmas Bird Count
Western Sonoma County Christmas Bird Count: Our next count will be on Sunday, December 29, 2024
Scroll down or click here for Other Local Christmas Bird Counts.

Hooded Mergansers. Photo by Tom Reynolds.
National Audubon's Christmas Bird Count is the longest running Citizen Science survey in the world. Started by Frank Chapman in Boston and New York in December, 1900, it provides critical data on population trends across North America, Hawai'i, and now areas in Central and South America as well. By participating in a CBC you make an important contribution to conservation. Audubon and other organizations use the data collected to assess the health of bird populations, which helps to guide conservation action.
The Western Sonoma County Christmas Bird Count (CBC) began in 1967. Our 57th Annual West Sonoma County CBC will be on Sunday, December 29, 2024.
Note: The field tally form and the final tally form have both been updated in 2018 to include House Wren and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, and the final tally sheet includes boxes to fill in the weather for the day. Please discard any previous editions of the tally sheets you may have on your computer.
2024 forms will be uploaded later this year. Older versions are shown below:
Counter Letter 2019 | Area Leader Contact List 2019 | Leader Letter 2019 |
Field Tally Form 2020 | Final Tally Form 2020
How to calculate hours/miles | Rare Bird Report Form
Click on map above to download high resolution version
CBC Count Circle Areas
1. Jonive Rd. 2. Freestone-Monte Rio 3. Valley Ford 4. Joy Rd. 5. Salmon Creek Rd. 6. Estero Lane 7. Doran Beach 8. Bodega Bay 9. Bodega Head 10. Bodega Marine Lab |
11. Cheney Gulch 12. Seahorse Ranch 14. Highway One 15. Willow Creek Rd. 16. Duncans Mills 17. Freezeout Canyon 18. Coleman Valley Rd. 19. Austin Creek 21. Harrison Grade |
CBC Territory Topo Maps
Click on links below to download area maps
1. Jonive 2a. Freestone (N) 2b. Freestone (S) 3a. V. Ford (NE) 3b. V. Ford (SW) 4. Joy Rd |
5. Salmon Cr Rd 6. Estero Lane 7. Doran Beach 8. Bodega Bay 9. Bodega Head 10. B. Marine Lab |
11. Cheney Gulch 12. Seahorse R. 14a. Highway 1 (N) 14b. Highway 1 (S) 15a. Willow Cr (E) 15b. Willow Cr (W) 16. Duncans Mills |
17a. Freezeout (E) 17b. Freezeout (W) 18a. Coleman V (E) 18b. Coleman V (W) 19a. Austin Cr (E) 19b. Austin Cr (W) 21. Harrison Grade |
Other Local Christmas Bird Counts
Cheep Thrills
Dec 19, 2024
Santa Rosa CBC
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Sonoma Valley
December 27 , 2024
Previous Years
Point Reyes National Seashore, CBC for ages 3-18, Marin County
Questions: Field Institute
Spring Lake Regional Park CBC4Kids-Family Nature Walk
Petaluma CBC4Kids
Visit Nature Alley for more information on all CBC's
Audubon article on Frank Chapman's bird count in 1886. He counted the feathers of 40 species of birds on women's hats in Manhattan - the impetus for the Christmas Bird Count.
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Carved Bird Pins
In the 1970s, member Tom Olds hand-carved bird pins and sold them to raise money for Madrone Audubon. More