The Education Committee provides both Audubon Adventures and Environmental Education Resource Kits for schoolchildren. More »
Stewardship Task Force
Madrone Audubon members have teamed up with local northwest Sonoma County residents in an active program of seabird and beach monitoring. The group's activities focus on the California Coastal National Monument. More »
Mayacamas Sanctuary
The MMAS Steering Committee was formed in the 1990's to administer the Mayacamas sanctuary for the National Audubon Society. California Audubon and Madrone Audubon worked together to oversee the property through 2012. It is now owned and managed by Audubon Canyon Ranch. More »
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Carved Bird Pins
In the 1970s, member Tom Olds hand-carved bird pins and sold them to raise money for Madrone Audubon. More