
Mission Statement

The Madrone Audubon Society, Inc., a Sonoma County Chapter of the National Audubon Society is a non-profit organization which promotes public education, enjoyment, study and protection of the natural world, especially birds.

We also recognize our responsibility to influence decisions affecting all wildlife and natural resources. Our interests are worldwide: our focus is on the local community, the State of California, the West Coast, and the high priority campaigns of the National Audubon Society.

Our members, volunteers and board seek to involve the community in these endeavors.

–Amended August 9th, 1997


Established in January, 1967 by Evalyn and Les Bowen "to speak up for the wildlife that was losing its local habitat", Madrone Audubon Society was the "first politically involved conservation organization in Sonoma County" and the first Audubon Chapter in Northern CA, anywhere north of Marin County and Sacramento.

A Chapter is shaped by the energies of individuals, especially Charter and long time members. Evalyn and Les Bowen inspired others to participate:

  • J. Tom Olds gave conservation lectures while he carved bird pins, to be sold to support the new Chapter and later to establish a Nature Center Fund (this fund provided the basis for the Bouverie Preserve's lab).
  • Martha Bentley dedicated herself to local conservation battles and to establishing The Bird Rescue Center; a Charter member she worked for the Chapter for 41 years.
  • Ernestine Smith stood beside Martha, speaking up in the major conservation battles of Sonoma County Warm Springs Dam, Bodega Harbor nuclear plant, Jenner dredge, Fountaingrove, and the Coastal Act.
  • Betty Burridge focused on Citizen Science, to get the Christmas Bird Count on sound footing for 17 years with Deyea Harper and to organize and edit the first edition of the Sonoma County Breeding Bird Atlas, published in 1995 with data surveyed from 1981-1986.

The Chapter has established awards in honor of a number of these people, recognizing their contributions and inspiration to others.

Some of the first logo designs, from left to right: 1967 design by Les Bowen, 1973 design, 1974 design.

Madrone Audubon Society logos

Board of Directors

Please contact the appropriate board member shown below for information or inquiries. Our Board meets monthly (virtually via Zoom) at 6:30 PM on the first Thursday of each month, except we do not meet in June, July and August.

Susan Kirks
707-241-5548, susankirks@sbcglobal.net

Vice President

Recording Secretary
Claudia Rannikar

Corresponding Secretary


Susan Kirks
707-241-5548, susankirks@sbcglobal.net

Diane Hichwa
707-785-1922, dhichwa@earthlink.net

Stewardship Task Force (Coast)
Diane Hichwa
707-785-1922, dhichwa@earthlink.net

Renewable Energy/Climate Action Subcommittee
Susan Kirks

(position open)

Janet Bosshard – Thursdays
Saturdays – Varied – check schedule

Habitat Gardening
Susan Kirks
707-241-5548, susankirks@sbcglobal.net

Education Kits
Barbara Novak
707-795-3996, bnovak34@gmal.colm

Christmas Bird Count – Co-Coordinators
John Lundblad johnlunchbag@gmail.com  (707) 484-8638
Chris Gabill cgrabill@gmail.com  (707) 495-7340

Susan Kirks
(707) 241-5548

Leaves Editor
Interim, Susan Kirks
707-241-5548, susankirks@sbcglobal.net
Guest Editor, Christine Cohen forearthandsea@gmail.com

Leaves Production Editor
Kris Hutchins
707-477-8156, kris@hutchins1.net

Dan Nelson
707-479-2918, birdsurf64@sbcglobal.net

Revised Financial Statements

Madrone Audubon has revised its financial statements for fiscal year 2016. Click here for Madrone's statement. Click here for a separate PWA statement.


Madrone Audubon Society, Inc.
PO Box 1911
Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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Birding Quiz - test your skills.

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Carved Bird Pins

In the 1970s, member Tom Olds hand-carved bird pins and sold them to raise money for Madrone Audubon. More